Saturday, November 10

mini culmination prep.. day 5

Today, Hannah decided to make the basket for the robot while I continued to grapple with the programming and the robot. I think the program worked better today and went a little smoother.. but I think I'll still work on it in homework center to work out anything else that might be wrong with it. I'm a little worried about the actual mini culmination because we haven't practiced all the programs working together and today was the last in class day. But I talked to people in other groups, and they said they hadn't practiced either.. Not to say that's an excuse.. We still don't have the basket done, even though my partner was supposed to work on it the whole class.. (which was kind of frustrating..) I think things will work ok for mini culmination.. And, I've come to the conclusion on the robot, that as long as it goes straight, and goes from base to base, when it it needs to turn around, instead of the robot doing it, the person at the base can simply turn it around and restart it in the other direction.. I think it would work better because even though the rover is programmed to turn around on it's own, it has trouble with it, given the surface it's on (I think).. And instead of wasting time and waiting for the rover to turn itself around and go back, we can just pick it up, turn it around, and send it back. I'm not too worried about the culmination..

PS. I made a basket in homework center with legos.. even though it's not that big, I think it should be fine..


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