Saturday, November 10
mini culmination prep.. day 4
Today, I worked on programming the robot and using the light censor. My partner didn't really seem to understand how things worked, so I did a lot of explaining and stuff along with trying to focus on programming. Most of class, I worked alone while my partner floated between other groups. I asked a lot of questions and fixed a lot of stuff with the robot.. I didn't realize how much more complicated my program was going to be! My program was made up of 2 loops.. One loop was the motion of going forward and keeping on the black line.. The other loop was once it reached the end of the white line, it would turn around and go back on the same line. The thing I'm having problems with now is getting the robot to start.. It takes either a few minutes of waiting for it to start, or flipping through each of the 5 programs to get the robot running before my program will start. It's a little annoying sometimes because of that. I'm still going to work on it in homework center to see if I can get it to start any faster and to work more on the second loop of the program. ( the turning around and then going straight.) I feel very stressed out right now because I feel like I'm not getting as much help as I'd like from my partner and my team.. but, I'm going to stick with it and see where this will take me..
Labels: M2M
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